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Suggest a game thread

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1Suggest a game thread Empty Suggest a game thread Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:46 pm


Bronquian Citizen
Bronquian Citizen

As the name of the thread implies, this is a place to ask for games to play state some specifics like the machine or console you want to play it on for example:

I'm looking for an online game to be able to play on a low end specs pc

Something like that. So go on and ask now XD

I want to play Elsword NA but it is region blocked while the other servers are hard to understand so yea I need a substitute XD.

2Suggest a game thread Empty Re: Suggest a game thread Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:31 pm


Bronquian Citizen
Bronquian Citizen

I'm going to follow this game called "Castle Story" by Sauropod Studio Their Website Hoping this would give a good gaming experience similar to minecraft XD.

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